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Responsible Art

Americans buy painting according to the color of their wallpaper. Unfortunately, this popular motto rings the truth. While wars and religious conflicts tear our world apart, while politicians lie to their constituents, while bankers deceive their investors, while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, while dictators dictate and democrats spread demagoguery, people embellish their walls with landscapes and flowers. This escape from reality doesn’t help and doesn’t deceive anyone including the escapees themselves. This kind of art is not for me. My paintings and drawings aim at correcting the wrongs of our world, not at camouflaging them. I try to solve big problems that bother our everyday lives. Mass media write and scream about these problems every day, but one picture is better than a thousand words. Such pictures hang on the walls of people who want to improve the world, not to escape from it. I hope that the professional quality of my art corresponds to its goals, but that is not for me to judge. I only hope to provoke open and honest discussions about the way our global village can choose.


- Anatol Zukerman

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